Based in South Wales area, some us own one or more “Triumph” classic cars, however it is not compulsory to own one, you need only to have an interest in the Marque’ to become a member.
All are welcome and we put no pressure on people to join the club so that you can attend a few meetings runs and or events before you decide if you want to become a member and enjoy the benefits.
The main purpose is for like minded people to meet and discuss how they are progressing with their car and how to promote, display and enjoy your Triumph. Along with the monthly Headquarters magazine “The Courier” membership allows you access to many benefits such as discounts at the club shop, Technical advice and access to many technical drawings etc.
There are many classic car shows during the Spring/Summer months and TSSC South Wales usually attends most of the local shows and travel to many others around the country (often in convoy) we attended there by members own discretion.
Many of us have been working on “Triumphs” for more years than we care to remember so there is a wealth of information to tap into to help you with your renovation or repair. There is an abundance of spare parts sitting on shelves that most of us would be glad to see them used to keep our classics on the road. Above we are a friendly group and are most welcoming to new and long term members. So come along to our monthly meeting at the “Lighthouse Inn” St. Brides or turn up for our monthly club run, everyone is welcome, using your Triumph is optional as we have all been there where the cars seem to be more often up on jacks being repaired or renovated than available for use on club runs, it is important for members to try to support club activities, so come on and join in the Fun.